
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.

5.1.1. sammba.io_conversions.dcm_to_nii

sammba.io_conversions.dcm_to_nii(dcmdump_path, dicom_filename, save_directory, siap_fix=True, id_in_filename=True, date_in_filename=True, time_in_filename=True, protocol_in_filename=True, paravision_folder_in_filename=True, siap_in_filename=True)

Converts Bruker Paravision enhanced multiframe DICOM files into NIfTI-1 format.

Assumes int16; this will be changed in the future. NIFTI files are named based on several tag values found in the DICOM. Also saved with the same name as the .nii.gz is a .txt file of extracted meta-data that could be useful to the processing of certain protocols such as perfusion, T1/T2 mapping and diffusion.

Thanks to of dicom2nifiti by Arne Brys, icometrix, which saved me when it comes to specifying the affine for nibabel.


dcmdump_path : str

Path to the compiled dcmdump (see Note).

dicom_filename : str

Path to the DICOM file (typically named EnIm1.dcm).

save_directory : str

Path to the directory to save the extracteed NIFTI image.

siap_fix : bool, optional

If True, swaps the superior-inferior and anterior-posterior axes to be how I think they should be. In rodents, Paravision sets dorsal-ventral as AP and rostral-caudal as SI. I think they should be the other way round

id_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, animal ID is included in the filename of the generated NIFTI.

date_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, acquisition date is included in the filename of the generated NIFTI.

time_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, acquisition time included in the filename of the generated NIFTI.

protocol_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, the protocl acronym is included in the filename of the generated NIFTI.

paravision_folder_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, Paravision folder number is included in the filename of the generated NIFTI.

siap_in_filename : bool, optional

If True, ‘fixedSIAP’ or ‘origSIAP’ is included in the filename of the generated NIFTI, to tell whether or not axes were swapped.


nii_filename : str

Path to the created NIFTI image.


This is effectively a python wrapper to dcmdump, processing and passing its output to nibabel and a text file. Depends on access to a compiled version of dcmdump (part of OFFIS dcmtk; and which does the initial parsing: extraction of the header/metadata as text and the image data as a raw vector.

Useful documents include DICOM spec C. and of dicom2nifiti by Arne Brys, icometrix saved me when it comes to specifying the affine for nibabel! see he effectively did the hard part, interpreting nibabel’s DICOM tutorial for me.

Only tested on PV6 .dcm files and a limited number of sequences. Little or no error-checking. There are a lot of circumstances where this converter will fail or be sub-optimal.