
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.

5.1.2. sammba.io_conversions.recursive_dcm_to_nii

sammba.io_conversions.recursive_dcm_to_nii(dcmdump_path, session_directory, save_directory, **dcm_to_nii_kwargs)

Traverses recursively subdirectories of a given session directory and converts all DICOM files to NIFTI files.


dcmdump_path : str

Path to the compiled dcmdump (see Note)

session_directory : str

Path to the top directory.

save_directory : str

Path to the directory to save the extracteed NIFTI image.

dcm_to_nii_kwargs : extra keyword arguments

Extra keyword arguments are passed to sammba.io_conversions.dcm_to_nii


nii_filenames : list of str

List of paths to the created NIFTI images.