This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.
5.3.3. sammba.registration.fmri_sessions_to_template¶
(sessions, t_r, head_template_filename, write_dir, brain_volume, use_rats_tool=True, brain_template_filename=None, dilated_head_mask_filename=None, prior_rigid_body_registration=False, slice_timing=True, registration_kind='nonlinear', maxlev=2, func_voxel_size=None, caching=False, verbose=True)¶ DEPRECATED: Function ‘fmri_sessions_to_template’ is deprecated and will be removed in future release. Use class ‘TemplateRegistrator’ instead.
- Registration of subject’s functional and anatomical images to
a given template.
- Parameters
sessions : sequence of sammba.registration.FMRISession
fMRI sessions to register.
- t_rfloat
Repetition time for the EPI, in seconds.
- head_template_filenamestr
Template to register the functional to.
- brain_volumeint
Volume of the brain in mm3 used for brain extraction. Typically 400 for mouse and 1800 for rat.
- use_rats_toolbool, optional
If True, brain mask is computed using RATS Mathematical Morphology. Otherwise, a histogram-based brain segmentation is used.
- write_dirstr
Path to the affine 1D transform from anatomical to template space.
- brain_template_filenamestr, optional
Path to a brain template, passed to sammba.registration.anats_to_template
- dilated_head_mask_filenamestr, optional
Path to a dilated head mask, passed to sammba.registration.anats_to_template
- registration_kindone of {‘rigid’, ‘affine’, ‘nonlinear’}, optional
The allowed transform kind from anat to template.
- maxlevint or None, optional
Maximal level for the warp when registering anat to template. Passed to sammba.registration.anats_to_template
- func_voxel_size3-tuple of floats, optional
Voxel size of the registered functional, in mm.
- cachingbool, optional
Wether or not to use caching.
- verbosebool, optional
If True, all steps are verbose. Note that caching implies some verbosity in any case.
- Returns
the same sequence with each animal_data updated: the following attributes
- are added
- template_str
Path to the given registration template.
- output_dir_str
Path to the output directory for each animal.
- coreg_func_str
Path to the coregistered functional image.
- coreg_anat_str
Path to the coregistered anatomical image.
- coreg_transform_str
Path to the transform from anat to func.
- registered_func_str
Path to the functional registered to template.
- registered_anat_str
Path to the anatomical registered to template.
If use_rats_tool is turned on, RATS tool is used for brain extraction and has to be cited. For more information, see RATS